2Tone is a registered trademark

Patents Pending

© 2008 Canday Medical Ltd

This web site has been designed to provide useful information on the pressurised metered dose inhaler device, how it works, and how the 2Tone Trainer can help you learn good inhaler technique.

The majority of the people visiting this web site will have direct experience of lung disease as a patient, or be interested in treating it through their role as a health professional.

The recommendations contained within should add to, not replace, the advice offered by a Doctor, Nurse, Pharmacist or other qualified healthcare provider. Those that wish to study the background further can access greater detail through the Research and References section.
The absence of information on the different drugs used to treat respiratory disease is intended – information on the variety of medications in common use is available from other web sites and libraries.

The content of this site has been carefully researched and referenced, and reviewed by respiratory specialists before publication.

Canday Medical Ltd. welcomes comment from both patients and professionals.
